& telescopic cantilever can be crafted with the following recipes

Player Recipe
Primary skill used: mechanics(2)
Required skills: fabrication(2)
Time to complete: 60 minutes
Tools required:
> 1 tool with hammering quality of 2
> 1 tool with metal sawing quality of 1
> 1 tool with bolt turning quality of 1
> 1 tool with glare protection quality of 1
> arc welder (50 charges) OR makeshift arc welder (75 charges) OR integrated welder (75 charges) OR acetylene torch (10 charges) OR 377-UASTA (weaponized) (10 charges) OR 377-UASTA plasma torch (5 charges)
Components required:
> 8x pipe
> 8x wire
> 2x chunk of steel OR 10x scrap metal
This recipe can be found in the following books when mechanics is at least the required level:
DIY Compendium (level 4)
Mechanical Mastery (level 2)
Under the Hood (level 2)