; misc repair kit construction.

Construction Source Result
1 tree trunk . dirt
0 shallow pit # improvised shelter
. empty door frame + closed makeshift door
. empty door frame + closed wood door
is:BARRICADABLE_DOOR + closed reinforced wood door
" window without curtains " window with curtains
" taped window " window
" taped window " window with curtains
" taped window " window
" taped window " window without curtains
is:DIGGABLE # narrow fence posts
# narrow fence posts LINE_OXOX woven wattle fence
# half-built wattle-and-daub wall
# half-built wattle-and-daub wall LINE_OXOX wattle-and-daub wall
LINE_OXOX woven wattle fence LINE_OXOX wattle-and-daub wall
& broken wattle-and-daub wall LINE_OXOX wattle-and-daub wall
# half-built wall LINE_OXOX wooden wall
LINE_OXOX pony wall
. floor
. dirt floor
. dirt floor
+ closed screen door
LINE_OXOX screen mesh wall
# half-built wall o wooden wall with embrasure
# half-built log wall o log wall with embrasure
0 pit o palisade wall with embrasure
O open crate
O open coffin
6 bulletin board
{ dresser
{ bookcase
{ entertainment center
{ wooden rack
# cupboard
# counter
# table
# table
# bed
# bunk bed
# bed frame
H arm chair
H sofa
O fermenting vat
H wooden keg
# desk
{ wardrobe
# window with metal bars " window with metal bars and curtains
. rock floor
< half-built wooden stairs < wooden stairs
# solid rock
~ deep water 8 pontoon bridge
~ flowing deep water 8 river bridge
~ flowing shallow water 8 dock
| deep dock pile # deep dock frame
# deep dock frame 8 deep dock
~ shallow water 8 shallow bridge
^ planter
= smoking rack
^ butchering rack
4 pine tree ; pine lean-to
# log stool
+ decorative tree
1 tree trunk . dirt
0 shallow pit LINE_OXOX stick wall
X Translocator Gate