% chewy candy

recipes: 11

Volume: 0.09 L Weight: 0.10 lbs /0.05 kg
Bash: 0 Cut: 0 To-hit bonus: +0
Moves per attack: 66
Damage per move: 0.00
Materials: Junk Food

Phase: solid
Calories (kcal)*: 78
Quench: 0
Enjoyability: 3
Spoils in 360 days
Charges: 3
Healthy: -1
Stimulant: 0 mins
Addiction: 0

A handful of colorful fruit-flavored chewy candy.

% chewy candy my_sweet_cataclysm

recipes: 11 mod

Volume: 0.09 L Weight: 0.10 lbs /0.05 kg
Bash: 0 Cut: 0 To-hit bonus: +0
Moves per attack: 66
Damage per move: 0.00
Materials: Junk Food

Phase: solid
Calories (kcal)*: 69
Quench: 0
Enjoyability: 3
Spoils in 15 days
Charges: 3
Healthy: -1
Stimulant: 0 mins
Addiction: 0

A handful of colorful fruit-flavored chewy candy. They feel warm to the touch and you can almost feel a slow beat coming from them. How odd…